At Collingwood we recognise that parents and carers want to support the College with the provision that we are able to provide remotely. We are proud of the provision that we are offering and of the work that our students are completing.
The remote education expectations were updated in December and schools were asked to publish on their website, information for parents on their provision for remote education by 25 January.
A more detailed account of our provision can be found here: Providing Remote Education - Information for Parents
A summary of our provision is detailed here:
Individual students are absent from school for Covid-related reasons
A bubble/bubbles/whole cohort of students are working from home
Expectation of the teacher
- The resources used in the lesson are put on OneNote or TEAMs for students to complete independently
- Monitor completion of work
- To “teach” between 10 and 30 minutes of the lesson live on MS TEAMs. This should be recorded.
- To set work for the remainder of the lesson using a range of strategies to assess learning.
- To be available throughout the lesson on TEAMs to support students when needed
- To make a note of who attended and send a notification of absence to parents via Edulink
- Monitor completion of work and offer simple feedback using a variety of methods to motivate students
- Deep mark work as per departmental policy.
- Provide a detailed whole class plenary once per week
- Follow the protocols for teaching a live lesson: Teacher Protocol for TEAMs Lessons including adhering to the ICT Acceptable User Agreement.
Expectation of the students
- To know how to use OneNote and TEAMs by watching the videos (see below)
- To inform Mrs Everson if access to IT at home will be an issue
- To access work on OneNote/TEAMs and to complete the tasks in exercise books or Microsoft 365 applications as agreed with teacher.
- To know how to use OneNote and TEAMs by watching the videos (see below)
- To inform Year Manager if access to IT at home will be an issue
- To attend each lesson at the usual time on TEAMs. To complete the work that the teacher sets.
- If you are unable to attend the live lesson you must access a recording later.
- Follow the protocols and behaviour as set out in this document: Student Protocol for TEAMs Lessons
Please find below 'help' videos with regards to Microsoft 365, Microsoft TEAMs and OneNote.
Microsoft 365
Microsoft TEAMs