2 March 2022
Our last Ofsted Inspection was in February 2017, and we are anticipating a further inspection within the next few months. The last inspection graded the College as ‘Good with Outstanding Leadership and Management’.
Ofsted will start from the premise that we remain, at least, ‘Good’ and we are confident that due to the improvements in all aspects of our work at Collingwood since then, that we will receive a similarly positive report.
As parents/carers you play a very important role in our College, and you will be given the opportunity to contribute to the inspection and voice your opinion via a link to the Ofsted Parent View survey. Ofsted places great importance on this survey.
In our College survey earlier in the year parents were overwhelmingly positive about the College and I would ask that, when you are notified of the inspection, you complete the survey so that the Inspection Team receive comprehensive feedback on what parents and carers think of us.
The number of students and staff with COVID-related absence is extremely low, and we therefore intend to revert to in person assemblies as from next week. As informed previously, we do intend to hold our Parents’ Evenings remotely for the remainder of this term, and we are very encouraged by the record-breaking numbers of parents participating in these important events.
Mr Tanner - Principal