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A High Performing Specialist Academy for Technology & Applied Learning

30 September 2020

Contingency Plans

We had an extended registration period yesterday to ensure that all students are familiar with our Teams, OneNote and Edulink platforms so that in the event of any students needing to self-isolate in the future all students will know where to find appropriate work to complete at home (this applies to all students who are absent from College for any reason).  This procedure will not only provide ease of access for them but also prevents staff dealing with numerous email correspondence which is obviously unsustainable in terms of workload.  The videos used to explain details about the platforms can be accessed by parents via the Noticeboard icon on Edulink.

Information for Year 6 Parents and students

If you currently have children in Year 6 you will be aware that, due to the current circumstances, we cannot offer our usual Open Evening and Parental Tours.  We are, however, placing a number of videos and resources on the website (‘Information for Prospective Year 7 Students in September 2021’) so that prospective parents and students can access all they need to know about Collingwood to confirm their first preference for September. 

Of course, you already know what the College has to offer and, hopefully you have already decided on Collingwood, but it may be useful for your son or daughter to look at the student video and virtual tour so that they can get some experience of life at Collingwood.

If you have friends and neighbours who have children in Year 6, can I ask that you share this information with them and encourage them to access our website as this year’s situation has made communication a little more difficult than usual.

In my ‘Meet the Principal’ events I am suggesting to prospective parents that, in the absence of being able to visit us during the working day, they should speak to current parents about their views on the College as this will give them a full and honest view of the benefits of joining Collingwood next year.  My sincere thanks for your support in advance if you are approached in this way!

NHS Covid-19 App

We are encouraging students in the Sixth Form and Year 11 students who are 16 to download the NHS Covid-19 App which was launched last week. You can view full details by clicking on the link below:

Students will be asked to keep their phones with them, turned on but silent during the school day. Should they receive a notification that they have been in close proximity to an infected student they are asked to inform their teacher who will then follow our usual procedures.

Mr Tanner - Principal

Curriculum Information